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Sample Set Information

Title Comparison of fruit metabolites among tomato varieties 2
Description Comparison of tomato fruit metabolites. 2 caltivars (Furikoma, Micro-Tom) and 6 original species (S. peruvianum LA0372, S. pennellii LA0716, S. galapagense LA1408, S. pimpinellifolium LA1589, S. habrochaites LA1777, S. peruvianum LA3858), 3 replicates data are examined. The color of fruit of S. peruvianum and S. pennellii are green, others are red.
Authors Takeshi Ara 1, Naoki Yamamoto 1, Kunihiro Suda 1, Tatsuya Suzuki 2, Taneaki Tsugane 2, Yoshihiko Morishita 1, Mitsuo Enomoto 1, Nozomu Sakurai 1, Hideyuki Suzuki 1, Daisuke Shibata 1, 1: Kazusa DNA Research Institute, 2: Chiba Prefectural Agriculture Research Center
Reference Direct Submittion
Comment version 2

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The web resources and information related to the species used in this study are available at Plant Genome Database Japan (PGDBj).

Data Analysis Details Information

Title PowerGet analysis for annotation of peaks with MS/MS (A3)
Description Raw data files are converted to text file by MSGet software without cut off value and peaks are extracted from the text files by PowerFT with parameters (intensity cut off=5000, peak selection filter is default, intensity cut off in peak assignment=1000). The replicates data are aligned by PowerMatch with blank data. The alignment is manually edited. Assigned peaks observed in multiple replicate samples are selected for annotation process. Assigned peaks with clear MS2 data are selected for the registration of Bio-MassBank.

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