From Metabolonote
Sample Set Information
ID | SE18 |
Title | Global identification of phospholipid molecular species in mouse liver and brain by Orbitrap MS and automated search engine Lipid Search |
Description | A comprehensive and precise identification of phospholipid molecular species was established with negative ion mode analyses by high accuracy MS and auto mated search engine "Lipid Search". Two tissues, liver (S01) and brain (S02) from mice were applied to the comprehensive analyses and differences in molecular species were detected. |
Authors | Taguchi R and Ishikawa M; The University of Tokyo |
Reference | Taguchi R and Ishikawa M (2010) Journal of Chromatography A 1217: 4229-4239 |
Comment | The metadata is prepared by the Metabolonote administrator (Sakurai N). |
Data Analysis Details Information
ID | DS1 |
Title | Identification of phospholipids with Lipid Search |
Description | "Lipid Search" is used for the identification of phospholipid molecular species from MS raw data. Acetate is selected as negative adduct ions. Tolerances from 10 to 100 ppm were applied the data from LTQ Orbitrap. |
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