Sample Set Information
ID | SE229 |
Title | LC-MS based untargeted metabolome analysis of Oryza |
Description | Compounds in the Oryza species were analyzed using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) in a untargeted manner. The same analytical conditions are applied to all samples. Therefore, the compound peaks can be compared to each other by the mass values, the retention time of the LC, and the CID mass spectrum. |
Authors | Yutaka Sato (National Institute of Genetics), Nozomu Sakurai (National Institute of Genetics, Kazusa DNA Research Institute, email: sakurai (at) |
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Sample Information
ID | S206 |
Title | Rice seed, O. sativa, WRC30 (No.155-1) |
Organism - Scientific Name | Oryza sativa |
Organism - ID | NCBI taxonomy: 4530 |
Compound - ID | |
Compound - Source | |
Preparation | The sample was provided by the Oryzabase sponsored by NBRP. |
Sample Preparation Details ID | SS1 |
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Sample Preparation Details Information
ID | SS1 |
Title | Sample preparation |
Description | The harvested sample was stored at low temperature. The sample was ground to a fine powder using a homogenizer Multi-beads shocker MB3200(S) (Yasui Kikai Corp., Osaka, Japan) with 3,000 rpm for 15 min and stored at -80 degree C until use. |
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Analytical Method Information
ID | M01 |
Title | LC-QTOF-MS, ESI, Positive |
Method Details ID | MS01 |
Sample Amount | 0.25 mg / 2 ul injection |
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Analytical Method Details Information
ID | MS01 |
Title | LC-Q-Tof-MS, ESI, Positive |
Instrument | Nexera X2 (Shimadzu), Compact (Bruker Daltonics) |
Instrument Type | LC-QTOF-MS |
Ionization | ESI |
Ion Mode | Positive |
Description | - Compound Extraction
The compounds separated by the LC were detected using the mass spectrometer under the conditions below: Ionization, Electrospray Ionization (ESI); Polarity, Positive; Scan rate, 2 Hz; Mass scan range, 50-1200; End plate offset, 500 V; Capillary voltage, 4000 V; Nebulizer gas (N2) pressure, 2.5 bar; Dry gas (N2) flow, 8.0 L/min; Dry gas temperature, 200 degree C; Transfer Funnel1 RF, 200.0 Vpp; Funnel2 RF, 200.0 Vpp; In-source CID Energy, 0.0 eV; Hexapole RF, 50.0 Vpp; Quadrupole Ion Energy, 3.0 eV; Low mass m/z, 55.00; Collision energy, 10.0 eV; Collision RF, 450.0 Vpp; Transfer time, 80.0 us; and PrePulse storage, 3.0 us. The data-dependent MS/MS spectra were obtained with the conditions below: Isolation width, 3-15 Da; Collision energy 35 eV; Precursor ion number, 5; Active Exclusion, on; Exclude, after 3 spectra; Release, after 0.3 min; Reconsider precursor, on; and if current intens. / previous intens., 2.0. For mass calibration, 1 mM sodium formate in 50% (v/v) 2-propanol was injected directly into the MS at 38.50–40.50 min of LC separation with a flow rate 0.1 mL/min. The eluent at 0-3 min was wasted. The raw data were obtained by Hystar software (ver.3.2 SR4, Bruker Daltonik, GmbH). |
Comment_of_details | [column] InertSustain AQ-C18 (1.5 x 50 mm, 3 micrometer; GL Sciences)
[gradient] Solvent A: water containing 0.1% v/v formic acid; Solvent B: acetonitrile; Gradient 2% B (0 min), 2% B (1.5 min), 98% B (13.5 min), 98% B (17 min), 2% B (17.01 min), and 2% B (18.5 min) [total separation time] 18.5 min |