From Metabolonote
lower pageD01
Sample Set Information
ID | SE41 |
Title | Comparison of tomato fruit metabolites among fruit maturation |
Description | Investigation of Tomato fruits metabolites. 2 cultivers, 4 deveropmental stages and 3 replicates data are examined. |
Authors | Takeshi Ara 1, Shingo Takahashi 1,3, Naoko Waki 1,3, Nozomu Sakurai 2, Haruya Takahashi 1, Shinsuke Mohri 1, Kunihiro Suda 2, Keishi Ozawa 2, Koichi Aizawa 3, Hiroyuki Suganuma 3, Yasuki Matsumura 1, Teruo Kawada 1, Daisuke Shibata 1, 2, 1:Graduate School of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Japan, 2:Kazusa DNA Research Institute, Japan, 3:KAGOME CO., LTD., Japan |
Reference | Ara T. et al. (2017) Acta Horticulturae 1159: 101-106. |
Comment | version 1 |
Sample Information
ID | S07 |
Title | Solanum lycopersicum Micro-Tom fruit, stage 3 |
Organism - Scientific Name | Solanum lycopersicum |
Organism - ID | NCBI taxonomy:4081 |
Compound - ID | |
Compound - Source | |
Preparation | Solanum lycopersicum Micro-Tom are grown in greenhouses of KAZUSA DNA Research Institute. |
Sample Preparation Details ID | |
Comment |
Analytical Method Information
ID | M01 |
Title | LC-Orbitrap-MS, ESI Positive analysis |
Method Details ID | MS1 |
Sample Amount | |
Comment | [MassBase ID] MDLC1_47005 |
The raw (binary) and near-raw (text) files of this analysis are available at MassBase.
Analytical Method Details Information
ID | MS1 |
Title | LC-Orbitrap-MS ESI positive method |
Instrument | Agilent1200 HPLC (Agilent), LTQ-Orbitrap (Thermo Fisher Scientific) |
Instrument Type | LC-Orbitrap-MS |
Ionization | ESI |
Ion Mode | Positive |
Description | Harvested sample is frozen by liquid N2 and resulting powder (100mg) are solved in 300uL 80% methanol solution. 5uL sample is injected into HPLC after 0.2um membrane filter treatment. HPLC conditions: Agilent 1200 series (Agilent), Column: TSKgel ODS-100V (3 x 50 mm, 5 micrometer; TOSOH), Solvent: A; 0.1% formic acid aq. B; ACN (addition 0.1% formic acid fc.), Gradient: (B) 3 to 97% for 85 min, 97% for 10 min, 97 to 3% for 0.1 min, and 3% for 5 min., Column temp.: 40 degree C, Flow rate=0.4mL/min, PDA: 190-950 nm (2 nm step). Orbitrap-MS conditions: Filter 1: FTMS + c norm !corona !pi res=60000 o(100.0-1500.0); 2: ITMS + c norm !corona !pi Dep MS/MS Most intense ion from (1); 3: ITMS + c norm !corona !pi Dep MS/MS 2nd most intense ion from (1); 4: ITMS + c norm !corona !pi Dep MS/MS 3rd most intense ion from (1); 5: ITMS + c norm !corona !pi Dep MS/MS 4th most intense ion from (1). |
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