From Metabolonote
Sample Set Information
ID | SE43 |
Title | Comaparaive metabolite analysis of three Allium species |
Description | Investigation of Allium species leaf metabolites. 3 species, 4 replicates data are examined. |
Authors | Takeshi Ara 1,2, Kunihiro Suda 1, Masayuki Amagai 3,4,5, Kiyoshi Namai 3,6, Hideyuki Suzuki 1,7, Nozomu Sakurai 1,8, Daisuke Shibata 1,4, 1:Kazusa DNA Research Institute, 2:Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto University, 3:Tochigi Agricultural Experimentation Station, 4:Department of Biological Sciences, Kisarazu Campus of Tohoku University, 5:Ansoku Agriculture Promotion Office, 6:Tochigi Agricultural College, 7:Hirata Corporation, 8:Department of Informatics, National Institute of Genetics. |
Reference | Ara T. et al. (2020) Plant Biotechnology 37(3), 383-387. |
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Data Analysis Details Information
ID | DS1 |
Title | PowerGet analysis for annotation of peaks with MS/MS |
Description | Raw data files are converted to text file by MSGet software without cut off value and peaks are extracted from the text files by PowerFT with parameters (intensity cut off=5000, peak selection filter is default, peak shape is manually checked for peaks with intensity < 1000). The replicates data are aligned by PowerMatch with blank data. The alignment is manually edited. Assigned peaks observed in multiple replicate samples are selected for annotation process. |
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