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Sample Set Information

Title Marchantia polymorpha metabolite analysis
Description Investigation of Marchantia polymorpha L. Tak-1 (male) metabolites. 2 growth conditions (suc + or -) and 2 replicates data are examined.
Authors Kimitsune Ishizaki 2, Takeshi Ara 1, Daisuke Nakajima 1, Mitsuo Enomoto 1, Nozomu Sakurai 1, Hideyuki Suzuki 1, Koei Okazaki 1, Takayuki Kohchi 2, Daisuke Shibata 1, 1: Kazusa DNA Research Institute, 2: Graduate School of Biosutdies, Kyoto University
Reference Direct Submittion
Comment version 3


Sample Information

ID S01
Title Marchantia polymorpha L. Tak-1 (male)
Organism - Scientific Name Marchantia polymorpha
Organism - ID NCBI taxonomy:3197
Compound - ID
Compound - Source
Preparation Marchantia polymorpha L. Tak-1 (male) are grown on culture plate filled by 1/2Gamborg's B5 culture with 1% sucrose and agar in an incubator. Whole plants are harvested.
Sample Preparation Details ID
Comment [KomicMarket ID] KSBA_30

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The annotation data and quantitative data of the metabolite peaks in this sample are available at KomicMarket.

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